[Clam-devel] compiling the network editor

David García Garzón dgarcia at iua.upf.edu
Tue May 29 10:59:06 PDT 2007

On Tuesday 29 May 2007 18:32:38 Greg Kellum wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to compile the network editor from the newest SVN sources
> today on my OS-X 10.4 powerbook, but the compile failed.
> After typing in this command:
> $ scons install prefix=/Users/greg/Code/CLAM/NetworkEditor/bin
> clam_prefix=/usr/local
> I got this error:
> Loading qt4 tool...
> Loading nsis tool...
> Loading Bundle tool
> Lodading dmg tool...
> Version:  1.0.1
> Package version:  1.0.1~svn10153
> IndexError: list index out of range:
>   File "SConstruct", line 253:
>     BUNDLE_ICON='resources/CLAM.icns',
>   File
> "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/scons/SCons/E
>nvironment.py", line 149:
> Um...  I checked to see whether the file 'resources/CLAM.icns' was there,
> because that's apparently where the compilation failed, and it is there.
> So, I don't know what is happening here...  Does anyone know what might be
> causing this problem?

Greg, could you send the full backtrace? Is it interesting to know in which 
function has failed. The SConstruct version is also interesting to know.

> And a more general question:  Why is it that CLAM uses scons rather than
> the ubiquitous make command?

We have changed several times of build system. The former were make/autotools 
based. Belive me, it was a hell. SCons has its pitfalls but we are not having 
a half of the problems we had. And, besides that it works for Visual in 
Windows as well as in Mac. We can use python to do the tricky work instead 
using the obscure m4 macro language. It allows us to keep the platform 
dependant part very low, and by adding tools we can extend a lot the 
functionality (qt4, bundles, dmg's...). And last but not least it forces 
users to give us feedback when they get stuck ;-)


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