[Clam-devel] today's commits

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed Feb 28 17:41:46 PST 2007


NetworkEditor works with the new re-designed Network::Do() and 
flow-control. we call the new class NaiveFlowControl, because we wanted 
it to favour understandibility vs efficiency. however clam flexibility 
provides so many "special" cases that any scheduling algorithm that 
works can not be naive at all ;-)

TODO: document the new design, specially the Network::Do() and 
sinks/sources and its rationale.

TODO: some sms-related example still not working.


* JACKNetworkPlayer uses new Network.Do() semantic and new 
AudioSource/Sink interface (SetExternalBuffer)

* NetworkEditor/src/MainWindow uses NaiveFlowControl
 - smsanalysis synthesis examples still not working

* AudioSource/Sink removed old Do(buffer*, size) interface, now use 
  This methos sets the size and hop of the port.
  The provided pointer will be used in the next Do() call.

* new cases for NaiveFlowControl:
 * Low rate branch do not get saturated
 * Generator do not saturate

* NaiveFlowControl: Now supports 'Saturated branch problem.

* Slow branch test case added

* Proper header define names for AudioSink and AudioSink headers

* NaiveFlowControl: Removed a private method declaration that has been 

* TestsCallbackBasedNetwork: Removed todos

last revision is 9772

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