[Clam-devel] IMPORTANT: more changes to build system

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Thu May 17 05:44:26 PDT 2007

En/na David García Garzón ha escrit:
> so the complete list of prefix* options on libs and applications is...

scons prefix=~/local

(debian and fedora scripts uses "scons prefix_for_packaging=/usr" )

NetworkEditor and other apps:

scons clam_prefix=~/local prefix=~/local

note than the meaning of "prefix" is always the standard one:
where to install stuff.


> On Thursday 17 May 2007 14:02:12 Pau Arumi wrote:
>> After recent improvement "force configure on every scons
>> option=val", i've just commited another row of changes.
>> prefix options clarification. (Please reed the following log).
>> You'll notice that when doing scons on an application, it will
>> request the "prefix" option: well this is what it used to be
>> install_prefix: where do you want to install the app.
>> other changes should be transparent.
>> Note that the "prefix" is consistent on all SConstructs, and
>> normal users only have to worry about prefix and clam_prefix.
>> Pretty obvious, isn't it?
>> All other changes (including clam.conf->options.cache rename)
>> should be transparent to users.
>> pau
>> commit 10119
>>   * CLAM install_prefix option is now: prefix_for_packaging (not
>>     to be used by normal users)
>>   * CLAM/clam.conf file is now options.cache for coherence with
>>     all other cache files
>>   * apps install_prefix option is now: prefix, for coherence with
>>     CLAM prefix option. besides "prefix" is a standard option
>>   * CLAM tests doesn't need install_prefix anymore
>>   * CLAM/INSTALL instructions have been updated accordingly
>>   * all debian rules and fedora spec files have been updated
>>     accordingly
>>   * all testfarm scripts have been updated
>>   * FIX for MSVC in SMSTools: added opengl lib
>> commit 10120
>>   * CLAM SConstruct: default with_ladspa=1 only on linux
>>   * CLAM SConstruct: scons does NEVER configure when --help
>>     command line option is provided
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