[Clam-devel] using eclipse

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Mon Jul 2 22:55:33 PDT 2007

Greg Kellum wrote:
> So, tell me...  How did you manage to get scons working inside of 
> eclipse?  I installed everything and created a project for CLAM, but 
> when I tried to launch the scons build, I got the error:
> Error launching builder (scons -u --implicit-cache platform=default 
> configuration=release . )
> (Exec error:Cannot run scons)
> I've fiddled some with the path it's using and the name of the 
> executable it's calling, but that hasn't helped.  How did you get this 
> working?  Maybe, you could add this to the WIKI when you have a 
> moment?  (Or if you answer this mail, I could add your response to the 
> WIKI.)
Greg, I already added a howto in the wiki some time ago but it is a 
little bit hidden in the devel pages:


I have never had any problems getting the plugin to work but I have to 
admit that I never tried on OSX. What you explain though seems like a 
problem with
paths. Eclipse might have problems finding the Phython paths.
> By the way I also wanted to ask you how the best way to go about doing 
> a sinusoidal resynthesis (with no residual) would be in CLAM?  I would 
> guess that one would have to create a new composite -- something like 
> SinusoidalSynthesis -- that would call the SpectralSynthesis class, 
> handle the overlap and add, and handle the phase alignment, no?
Actually there are different ways to go about it:

1. If you are just interested in the result, do a regular SMSSynthesis 
and add a ResidualGain transformation (already available) set to 0 dB.
2. If you want to create a dedicated processing I would start from the 
SMSSynthesis class and remove everything that deals with residual. I 
think this
approach might be easier than building something from scratch.


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