[Clam-devel] Network finish reading bug

globot gglobot at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 14:32:29 PDT 2007

Hi (again)

i have something strange on network players...
i call a network with the Start() function, evrything is fine, but when 
the file end i got a 100% cpu usage and i can't Stop() the network. The 
result is that my prog freez waiting for the end of the Network

On NetworkEditor it look like the same, i play a file and in the end, 
100% cpu usage, and if i click stop or play button evrything freeze

But if i call MultiChannelAudioFileReader::Stop() after the end of the 
file, the CPU usage fall to 0%

so i think there is a something wild in AudioFileIO or Reader Class ...


secondo, When the file reader has finish reading a file, the last value 
of Current Time is not the Duration of the file as it should be in my 
And the file reader + network doesn't seemed to stop.

I made a small patch to stop the file player when reach EOF (apparently 
returning FALSE is not enought)

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