[Clam-devel] IMPORTANT: more changes to build system

Hernán Ordiales h at ordia.com.ar
Tue May 22 16:52:25 PDT 2007

On 5/17/07, Pau Arumi <parumi at iua.upf.edu> wrote:
> En/na David García Garzón ha escrit:
> > so the complete list of prefix* options on libs and applications is...

hi all,
seems that something is broken with distcc compilation since lasts
'SConstruct' updates:

when i compile with something like: " scons distcc_hosts='localhost
anothercomputer' " i get an error like this:

checking for C++ header file xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp... no
Could not find xerces c headers! Defaulting to the null xml backend

not worry xerces dev package is correctly installed, indeed with "
scons distcc_hosts='' " compiles without problems, then the problems
seems here:

(about line 144)
if clam_env['distcc_hosts'] :
	clam_env['CXX'] = 'distcc g++'
	clam_env['ENV']['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = clam_env['distcc_hosts']
	SetOption('num_jobs', len( clam_env['distcc_hosts'].split() ))

more precisely with this line: " clam_env['CXX'] = 'distcc g++' "

I tried to solve it but I have not been able to do it yet. I know this
kind of things are not high rated on priority lists but maybe any of
you can give me a clue of why that stoped working and how could be
related with new changes.

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