[Clam-devel] Bye Bye ConfiguratorLauncher registration

Hernán Ordiales h at ordia.com.ar
Tue Jul 31 13:30:05 PDT 2007

On 7/30/07, David García Garzón <dgarcia at iua.upf.edu> wrote:
> Since commit 10532, registering Configurations on the NetworkEditor is no more
> required. We implemented a Configurator that uses type plugins to cover types
> of DynamicType attributes.
> Gained:
> * Not having to register every single processing configuration.
> * Processings on plugins can have Configurators now
> Lost:
> * We don't have inheritance for non-Components, type registrations must be
> done for every concrete type not being DynamicType.
> * This affects specially to CLAM::Filename's, because you must add a
> registration for each concrete In/OutFilename. (Remember that you must
> subclass them to support a different set of extensions).
> I think the balance is positive (registering every processing config or just
> every filename filter set).

I have a problem saving networks since lasts commits... could be related?

for example, if I open Harmonizer network and I save it with another
name (or overwrite it but that breaks it :-)), then when I open it
again I get this kind of error:

"An occurred while loading the network file.
No in port named 'In SpectralPeaks'. Try with:"

I've similar problem with others networks...

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