[Clam-devel] Bye Bye ConfiguratorLauncher registration

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Wed Aug 1 02:13:37 PDT 2007

En/na Hernán Ordiales ha escrit:
> On 7/30/07, David García Garzón <dgarcia at iua.upf.edu> wrote:
>> Since commit 10532, registering Configurations on the NetworkEditor is no more
>> required. We implemented a Configurator that uses type plugins to cover types
>> of DynamicType attributes.
>> Gained:
>> * Not having to register every single processing configuration.
>> * Processings on plugins can have Configurators now
>> Lost:
>> * We don't have inheritance for non-Components, type registrations must be
>> done for every concrete type not being DynamicType.
>> * This affects specially to CLAM::Filename's, because you must add a
>> registration for each concrete In/OutFilename. (Remember that you must
>> subclass them to support a different set of extensions).
>> I think the balance is positive (registering every processing config or just
>> every filename filter set).
> I have a problem saving networks since lasts commits... could be related?
> for example, if I open Harmonizer network and I save it with another
> name (or overwrite it but that breaks it :-)), then when I open it
> again I get this kind of error:
> "An occurred while loading the network file.
> No in port named 'In SpectralPeaks'. Try with:"
> I've similar problem with others networks...

I could not reproduce this. Both saving Harmonizer.clamnetwork as
"foo.clamnetwork" or just "foo" worked.

Try to be more specific on the steps and the failure. Also double
check that you're not loading old clam libraries.


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