[Clam-devel] Copy & Paste processings on canvas patch

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 01:57:40 PDT 2008

El 06/10/2008 05:44 AM, Pau Arumí Albó escribió:
> El dt 10 de 06 de 2008 a les 05:38 -0300, en/na Natanael Olaiz va
> escriure:
>> El 06/09/2008 11:08 PM, Natanael Olaiz escribió:
>>> [...]
>>> About the structure, I was thinking about network scalability 
>>> implementation... How to do that? making "super" or "intra" networks? 
>>> I mean, intra:
>>> <network>
>>>     <subnetwork id="subnetwork1">
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>>     </subnetwork>
>>>     <subnetwork id="subnetwork2">
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>>     </subnetwork>
>>>     <subnetwork_connection>
>>>         <port_connection>
>>>         </port_connection>
>>>         <control_connection>
>>>         </control_connection>
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>>     </subnetwork_connection>
>>> </network>
>>> Or super:
>>> <supernetwork>
>>>     <network id="network1">
>>>     </network>
>>>     <network id="network2">
>>>     </network>
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>> </supernetwork>
>>> If I start the implementation on NE maybe the "supernetwork" can be a 
>>> "ClamNetworkCanvas"...
>> Writing about this area of the project [1] and reading the original idea 
>> on the wiki I realized that this question has no much sense... since "we 
>> are not talking about a defined limited levels, but recursion": all are 
>> networks....
> Yeah, we should generalize the idea of "processing" and "repository" so
> it works for both processings and networks. Then each individual network
> becomes flat.
> Makes sense?

Yes, after that I understood. :)

> P

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