[Clam-devel] Re: faust status

Natanael Olaiz nolaiz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 11:46:42 PDT 2008

El 07/09/2008 10:14 AM, David García Garzón escribió:
> Wow. Dump such many screenshots to the Development screenshots wiki.

Added some, except the warning messages (maybe an animated gif could be 
better for that). BTW, if we use just one script to compile the faust 
files we could use QProcess.startDetached 
(http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qprocess.html#startDetached) instead 
QProcess.start (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qprocess.html#start) and 
manage it as background process, so the NE will not be 'frozen' when 

And thanks for improving the ugly format of the article and screenshots!

> On Dimecres 09 Juliol 2008, Natanael Olaiz wrote:
>> A simple overview of the actual Faust support:
>> http://iua-share.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Devel/Faust_support
>> I think so many of those how-to steps could be managed by a faust
>> install/configuration script. What do you think?
>> El 07/08/2008 09:50 PM, Natanael Olaiz escribió:
>>> Commited in two steps, and changed some names on MainWindow and
>>> NetworkCanvas. Now those names are a little bit large, but I think now
>>> them refers better to its uses.
>>> Commit 11582:
>>> * RunTimeLibraryLoader: Load() changed to virtual, added some
>>> commented debug messages, and minor changes on CompletePathFor()
>>> * RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader:
>>>    - implemented virtual Load() to search first for the examples faust
>>> dir
>>>    - added std::map GetCompilePluginCommands(std::string
>>> pluginSourceFullName) to get required faust compilation commands with
>>> the propers paths
>>>    - if plugin exists in factory, use ReplaceCreator instead
>>> AddCreatorWarningRepetitions
>>>    - added helpers: faustBinCommand() and faustLibIncludeFile()
>>> Commit 11583:
>>> * ClamNetworkCanvas:
>>>    - added signal: openFileWithExternalApplicationRequest
>>>    - added QString _fileNameToOpen (used when catching the previous
>>> signal on MainWindow), onOpenFileWithExternalApplication to set it and
>>> getFileNameToOpenWithExternalApplication() to get it
>>>    - added slot onOpenFileWithExternalApplication
>>>    - added "Open diagram with browser" item on processings context
>>> menu which have svg_diagram attribute
>>>    - added "Open source with editor" item on processings context menu
>>> which have dsp_source attribute
>>> * NewtorkEditor MainWindow:
>>>    - added slot on_action_Launch_Browser_triggered
>>>    - on_action_Online_tutorial_triggered() calls
>>> on_action_Launch_Browser_triggered
>>>    - added slot
>>> on_action_Processing_Open_File_With_External_Application_triggered,
>>> connected to ClamNetworkCanvas::openFileWithExternalApplicationRequest
>>> signal
>>>    - added messages on slot on_action_Compile_Faust_triggered, and
>>> changed to search the .dsp files on faust examples directory and
>>> compile them one by one directly (doesn't need to have Faust installed
>>> or makefiles)
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