CSL's ThreadedFrameStream (was Re: [CLAM] RT and port sizes (was Re: AudioPorts Usage))

Xavier Amatriain xavier at create.ucsb.edu
Wed Sep 21 10:50:02 PDT 2005

You might want to take a look at the book Real-Time Design Patterns: 
Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems


There are also a bunch of articles related to the topic that you can get 
through Citeseer such as the ones by Zalewski:

Real-Time Software Architectures and Design Patterns: Fundamental 
Concepts and Their Consequences (1999)

Real-Time Software Design Patterns (2002)

I am also waiting for Ross Bencina and Roger Dannenberg to publish the 
material for the workshop they gave at
ICMC on Real-time software.*

Stéphane Letz wrote:

>> Stephane,
>> Now that you mention this disk-access-in-RT technique, do you
>> (or other people listening) have any good pointer to documents
>> on that kind of technique? I'm interested in it for my research.
>> And not only restricted to disk but in general, which and how
>> blocking operations are to be avoided. And other RT patterns.
>  I don't have "paper" reference but for code reference you can look at:
> - capture_client.c in jack source example-clients folder
> - in ardour I guess
> - our own audio library : LibAudioStream  at http:// 
> libaudiostream.sourceforge.net/
> Stephane
>> Going back to clam, the point is that disc access in clam is not
>> RT safe (it just blocks), so we will have to fix that, at some
>> point.
>> Of course, when you do callback-based clam apps, you usually
>> don't need accessing the disk, so it is not a very big problem...
>> Xavier, I've had a look at the code of CSL for the first time (BTW,
>> nice naming convention). It seems interesting though I need
>> to clarify general ideas on their approach. I'll try with their
>> ICMC2003 paper.
>> Thanks!
>> Pau
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 *          Xavier Amatriain   		  *
 *          Research Director 		  *
 *  		  CREATE		  *
 * University of California Santa Barbara *

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