[CLAM] Missing configuration variables on Windows

David Garcia Garzon dgarcia at iua.upf.es
Wed Jan 4 08:51:15 PST 2006

Hi, Vegard.

Sorry for the delay. Most of us were on hollydays.

You didn't tell us the version you are trying to compile. For the 0.8.0 we 
didn't apply changes on 0.8 that were needed for Windows. The current 0.90 
prerelease is multi-platform but is based on scons and the problem you are 
reporting is on the old build system.

Someone else (ie, Esteban Maestre) was trying to compile the old version in 
Windows so your report is useful anyway for him.

As 0.8 version was not intended for Windows, don't hesitate to ask us for any 
other problem you find. As well as any problems you have trying the scons 
based build system.

A Dilluns 02 Gener 2006 14:34, Vegard Sandvold va escriure:
> Hi,
> I'd just like to inform you that I had to manually add the variables
> HAS_XMLPP and HAS_OSCPACK to packages-win.cfg when compiling with CLAM.
> Cheers!
> Vegard

David García Garzón <david.garcia at removespam.iua.upf.es>
Phone: 034 93 542 21 99
Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

David García Garzón <david.garcia at removespam.iua.upf.es>
Phone: 034 93 542 21 99
Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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