[CLAM] Missing configuration variables on Windows

Vegard Sandvold vegard.sandvold at notam02.no
Wed Jan 4 13:08:59 PST 2006

Hi David,

I'm compiling with clam 0.90 pre2 (sorry for not telling), but I suspect
I'm still using the old build system. Can you tell me where I find some
info on how to use the scons-based system?


On Wed, January 4, 2006 17:41, David Garcia Garzon wrote:
> Hi, Vegard.
> Sorry for the delay. Most of us were on hollydays.
> You didn't tell us the version you are trying to compile. For the 0.8.0 we
> didn't apply changes on 0.8 that were needed for Windows. The current 0.90
> prerelease is multi-platform but is based on scons and the problem you are
> reporting is on the old build system.
> Someone else (ie, Esteban Maestre) was trying to compile the old version
> in
> Windows so your report is useful anyway for him.
> As 0.8 version was not intended for Windows, don't hesitate to ask us for
> any
> other problem you find. As well as any problems you have trying the scons
> based build system.
> A Dilluns 02 Gener 2006 14:34, Vegard Sandvold va escriure:
>> Hi,
>> I'd just like to inform you that I had to manually add the variables
>> HAS_XMLPP and HAS_OSCPACK to packages-win.cfg when compiling with CLAM.
>> Cheers!
>> Vegard
> --
> David García Garzón <david.garcia at removespam.iua.upf.es>
> Phone: 034 93 542 21 99
> Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual
> Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Crystalline solid-solution alloys have unit cell dimensions that are
frequently linear with concentration.
- Vegards' Law

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