[CLAM] Missing configuration variables on Windows

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.es
Thu Jan 5 09:34:06 PST 2006

Hi Vegard,
I've just uploaded a new 0.90-pre3 release on the web
Just the src code by now (not windows setups.exe and mac .dmg )

There is a reworked INSTALL file (also attached) in the root dir 
of the main tarball, that should explain how to set the 
dependencies and compile/install in the three platforms


En/na Vegard Sandvold ha escrit:
> Hi David,
> I'm compiling with clam 0.90 pre2 (sorry for not telling), but I suspect
> I'm still using the old build system. Can you tell me where I find some
> info on how to use the scons-based system?
> Vegard
> On Wed, January 4, 2006 17:41, David Garcia Garzon wrote:
>>Hi, Vegard.
>>Sorry for the delay. Most of us were on hollydays.
>>You didn't tell us the version you are trying to compile. For the 0.8.0 we
>>didn't apply changes on 0.8 that were needed for Windows. The current 0.90
>>prerelease is multi-platform but is based on scons and the problem you are
>>reporting is on the old build system.
>>Someone else (ie, Esteban Maestre) was trying to compile the old version
>>Windows so your report is useful anyway for him.
>>As 0.8 version was not intended for Windows, don't hesitate to ask us for
>>other problem you find. As well as any problems you have trying the scons
>>based build system.
>>A Dilluns 02 Gener 2006 14:34, Vegard Sandvold va escriure:
>>>I'd just like to inform you that I had to manually add the variables
>>>HAS_XMLPP and HAS_OSCPACK to packages-win.cfg when compiling with CLAM.
>>David García Garzón <david.garcia at removespam.iua.upf.es>
>>Phone: 034 93 542 21 99
>>Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual
>>Universitat Pompeu Fabra

-------------- next part --------------
This file explains how to compile and install the CLAM libraries and 
applications from the source tarballs.

 1. Install CLAM dependencies

 This step is different for each architecture (Linux, Windows, MacOSX)
 Please, refere to the specific instructions below.
 2. Compile CLAM libraries from the tarball

 Download the CLAM tarball (stable release or cvs snapshot) from the 
 web: [http://clam.iua.upf.es/download.html] 
 and extract it : "tar xvzf CLAM-X.Y.Z.tar.gz"
 Change directory to CLAM/scons/libs/

 The simplest way to build and install the libraries is issuing :

        $ scons configure
        $ scons
        $ sudo scons install

 This will compile all the libraries with default options, and install
 them to the default dirs ( /usr/lib/ and /usr/include/ )

 To obtain all the available options and its current values, issue:

        $ scons --help


        $ scons configure release=no prefix=~/mylibs/
        $ scons
        $ scons install

 This will compile the libraries in debug mode and install them in
 ~/mylibs/lib/ and ~/mylibs/include/
 Notice that if you are using a non-standard prefix, you might need to
 make the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the lib directory.
 Another example:

        $ scons configure with_osc_support=no

 IMPORTANT: scons saves the last used options in the .conf file. 
 These options will be used by default in further "scons" commands.

 MacOSX specific: default prefix is set to /usr/local. Our tests using
 /usr didn't succeed. Another important issue is that in OSX there is
 no LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as the equivalent variable is called DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

 3. Compile the CLAM application.

 Applications comes in separate tarballs. You'll need to download it 
 from the CLAM web. Then go into its scons/ directory and
 do the same steps as above.
 If you with to use CLAM libs installed in a non-standard dir. You 
 will need to specify the clam_prefix :

        $ scons clam_prefix=~/mylibs/ install


1.1 Install CLAM dependencies on Linux

 As a hint, in an Ubuntu Breezy (Debian based) distribution these 
 are the needed packages:
   libxerces26-dev, fftw-dev, sfftw-dev, libfltk1.1-dev, libqt-mt-dev, 
   libqwt-dev, libasound2-dev, libvorbis-dev, libsndfile-dev, 
   libmad0-dev, libid3-3.8.3-dev

 Redhad packages list: TODO. 
 We'd appreciate any help on this list. Please mail to clam at iua.upf.es

 Non-packaged libraries : oscpack. 
   There is no official Debian package for oscpack, so if you want to 
   use it you'll need to install it from sources. 
   [ http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/code/oscpack/ ]

 Some of the previous libraries are optional, and there exist 
 command-line options for disabling them at configure time.

1.2 Install CLAM dependencies on Mac OSX

  Required tools:

 * Apple's Mac OS X Developer Tools. 
 * Pkgconfig : install it from Fink or from source code taken from 
   [http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org/wiki/ here].
 * scons : take the source code from [http://www.scons.org/ here]. 
   After decompressing it go to its directory and issue 
   "scons setup.py install". Then add the following line to your 
   ~/.bashrc and ./profile files:
        export PATH=$PATH:/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/bin
 * Qt/Mac : download the binary package from [http://naranja.umh.es/~atg/software-qt3.html].
   Get the 10.4.X version since development must be done with gcc v4.
   Decompress and install. 
   Add these lines to your ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile files:

   export QTDIR=/Developer/qt
   export PATH=$PATH:/Developer/qt/bin
   Finally, open a console and execute the following commands 

   $ sudo cp /Developer/qt/lib/libqt-mt.3.3.5.dylib /usr/local/lib/
   $ sudo cp /Developer/qt/lib/libqui.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

   (this is for workaround for a bug already communicated to the 
   binary package manager that hasn't been solved yet)

  Installing the 3rd party libraries with the dmg package
  This is the easy way. Download and install this file
  external-libraries-for-CLAM-X.Y.Z.dmg . Chapter 2.2 covers this
  simple process.

  Exceptions: Qt is not provided with this package. You'll need
  to get it from their web. See instructions below:

  Installing the 3rd party libraries from source
  Alternatively, you can install the libraries form source.

  Where not specified, download latest version. The installation 
  process of these 3rd party libraries is the typical in Unix systems. 
  Special configuration phases are sometimes needed, in that case it 
  will be specified:
        $ tar xvzf library-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
        $ cd library-X.Y.Z
        $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
        $ make
        $ sudo make install

  * cppunit [http://cppunit.sourceforge.net/]
    default compilation procedure. Install it for unit testing issues 
  * id3 [http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/]
    default compilation procedure.
  * jack [http://jackit.sourceforge.net/]
    default compilation procedure.
  * fftw [http://www.fftw.org/]
    Download version 2.XX. Default compilation procedure.

        $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-shared --enable-float --enable-type-prefix

  * sndfile [http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile sndfile] 
    default compilation procedure.
  * mad [http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/]
    default compilation procedure.
  * ogg-vorbis [http://www.vorbis.com/]
    Download libogg and libvorbis. Default compilation procedure.
  * oscpack [http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/code/oscpack/ ] 
    Warning: the mac dynamic library creation makefile is not still 
    included in the main release. Deactivate oscpack or get the binary 
  * portaudio [http://www.portaudio.com/]
    Get devel version (V19) from the CVS snapshot. 
    Default compilation procedure.
  * xerces-c [http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/]
    it has special needs, as detailed here:

        $ export XERCESCROOT=$PWD
        $ cd $XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc
        $ autoconf
        $ ./runConfigure -pmacosx -rpthread -P/usr/local

1.3 Install CLAM dependencies on Windows
  Required Tools

 * cl.exe command line compiler from Microsoft 
   (it comes with Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1).
 * python and scons installed on the system.
 * make sure that any needed tool have its directory added to the 
   PATH variable (in order to execute cl and scons)
 * if you want to create installer you'll need nsis scripting language. 
   You can download it from [http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page] 
  3rd party libraries
  You can download the needed external libraries to build CLAM library 
  on the official CLAM webpage [http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/clam/]. 
  Please make sure that they are installed on a common base directory. 

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