[CLAM] request

Richard Dobson richarddobson at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Jun 12 07:55:43 PDT 2007

Intereesting example. Those two files could equally be considered to be 
quite similar, at the semantic level. Another exercise would be to 
contrast "I am Bill" with "I am, Bill".

Richard Dobson

Liviu Macoviciuc wrote:
> I am a newbie to CLAM and I don' t understand much.
> However, I need to write a program that says if 2 audio files are distinct
> For example, a file might contain a voice saying "I am John", and 
> another file the same voice  or another voice saying "I am Bill"
> Can anybody help me to get started ?!
> Best regards,
> Liviu
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