[CLAM] Feedback on your listing at teachingopensource.org

Leslie Hawthorn mebelh at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 16:25:25 PDT 2009

Hello everyone,

I am writing to give feedback on your listing at teachingopensource.org,


I would beef up your project description section a bit more. Why is CLAM an
exciting project to work on? You mention that folks working on CLAM will get
experience that can help them work on many interesting projects - are these
CLAM specific projects? Other Open Source projects? Please elaborate more
here. A bit more marketing in this section will make CLAM look more
attractive to potential mentees.

In the Mentor Capacity section, you do not mention if you are willing to do
in person mentoring. If you are open to doing so, please list the locations
of potential mentors (city, state/province, country) so that folks who are
looking for live mentoring will know if there's someone from your team who
can work with them.

Since you are less willing to work with educators, why not specify exactly
what kind of educators you would like to work with - e.g. professors doing
research only, etc. Being specific here will keep you from having to answer
mails from educators that are not a good fit for what your project is
looking for.

Your ideas page has many many options on it and is well organized. That's
great! Perhaps add some links to further documentation for each idea, e.g.
the mentioned TO DO link for Pau's thesis. If you could add such
supplementary documentation to each idea, it would be very helpful.

I'd like to organize an IRC meeting for the folks who have signed up on the
teachingopensource.org FOSS Mentor Projects wiki page, and plan to organize
the meeting time, etc., on the teachingopensource.org mailing list. Would
whomever from your team is interested in attending please ensure that you're
signed up on this mailing list? It's pretty low traffic and I will prefix
all messages with [MENTORS] in the subject line so you can further filter
your mail.


I'm hoping to schedule this meeting to take place the week of April 20th so
this should give you some time to subscribe.

Looking forward to working with you folks!


Leslie Hawthorn
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