[CLAM] Feedback on your listing at teachingopensource.org

Xavier xavier at amatriain.net
Mon Apr 6 01:27:05 PDT 2009

Hi Leslie, thanks a lot for your detailed feedback. We are going through 
your comments behind the curtains and will update the info on the wiki 



Leslie Hawthorn wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am writing to give feedback on your listing at 
> teachingopensource.org <http://teachingopensource.org>, specifically:
> http://www.teachingopensource.org/index.php/Help_Wanted:_CLAM_Project
> I would beef up your project description section a bit more. Why is 
> CLAM an exciting project to work on? You mention that folks working on 
> CLAM will get experience that can help them work on many interesting 
> projects - are these CLAM specific projects? Other Open Source 
> projects? Please elaborate more here. A bit more marketing in this 
> section will make CLAM look more attractive to potential mentees.
> In the Mentor Capacity section, you do not mention if you are willing 
> to do in person mentoring. If you are open to doing so, please list 
> the locations of potential mentors (city, state/province, country) so 
> that folks who are looking for live mentoring will know if there's 
> someone from your team who can work with them.
> Since you are less willing to work with educators, why not specify 
> exactly what kind of educators you would like to work with - e.g. 
> professors doing research only, etc. Being specific here will keep you 
> from having to answer mails from educators that are not a good fit for 
> what your project is looking for.
> Your ideas page has many many options on it and is well organized. 
> That's great! Perhaps add some links to further documentation for each 
> idea, e.g. the mentioned TO DO link for Pau's thesis. If you could add 
> such supplementary documentation to each idea, it would be very helpful.
> I'd like to organize an IRC meeting for the folks who have signed up 
> on the teachingopensource.org <http://teachingopensource.org> FOSS 
> Mentor Projects wiki page, and plan to organize the meeting time, 
> etc., on the teachingopensource.org <http://teachingopensource.org> 
> mailing list. Would whomever from your team is interested in attending 
> please ensure that you're signed up on this mailing list? It's pretty 
> low traffic and I will prefix all messages with [MENTORS] in the 
> subject line so you can further filter your mail.
> http://teachingopensource.org/mailman/listinfo/tos
> I'm hoping to schedule this meeting to take place the week of April 
> 20th so this should give you some time to subscribe.
> Looking forward to working with you folks!
> Cheers,
> LH
> -----
> Leslie Hawthorn
> http://www.hawthornlandings.org <http://www.hawthornlandings.org/>
> http://identi.ca/lh
> http://www.twitter.com/lhawthorn
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